Structure and Remit
The role of the Governing Committee is strategic in nature. The Department for Education’s Governance Handbook identifies three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic decision.
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Members of the Governing Committee are appointed based on their skills in order to contribute to effective governance and the success of the Academy.
Governors form the Academy Governing Committee (AGC). The AGC is a committee of the Trust and oversees the functions of the Academy as delegated to them by the Board of Directors. The AGC is quorate when 51% of the membership is present. The AGC has five key functions.
- Ensuring the Academy is working to its ethos within the Mission and Values of the UOLAT.
- Holding the Principal and senior staff to account for the educational performance of the Academy and ensuring that young people have a high quality and relevant curriculum with the appropriate resources for all abilities.
- Ensuring the Academy is meeting all the relevant safeguarding regulations and creating a supportive environment for its children and young people to learn.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy, ensuring good value for money and ensuring the buildings and facilities are safe and fit for purpose.
- Overseeing and providing Governor input to the Academy's key plans and policies.
We are fortunate in having a group of dedicated Governors who help guide and run the Academy efficiently.
If you would like to contact the Governing Committee, please contact Miss Ellie Carter (Governance Professional), via email -
Our Governors
Mr. Andrew Everard - The Chair
University Academy Long Sutton, 84 Little London, Long Sutton, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 9LF
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - AE - 23 / 24 Mr. Steve Baragwanath - Chief Executive Officer
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - SB - 23 / 24
Mr. Liam Davé - Principal
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - LD - 23 / 24
Mr. Simon Gilman - Vice Principal
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, observer term extended to July 2027)Declaration of Interest - SG - 23 / 24
Mr. Derek O'Sullivan - Community Governor (Safeguarding Focused)
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - DO - 23 / 24
Mrs. Gillian Ross - Community Governor (Careers Focused)
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - GR - 23 / 24
Mr. Gary Chappell - Community Governor
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - GC - 23 / 24
Ms. Nicola Kenyon - Trust Governor (SEND Focused)
(Appointed April 2020 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - NK - 23 / 24
Ms. Julie Oliver - Parent Governor
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - JO - 23/24
Miss. Michelle Papworth - Staff Governor (Pupil Premium Focused)
(Appointed July 2019 by the Trust Board, term extended to July 2027)
Declaration of Interest - MP - 23 / 24