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The Academy

Our aims and objectives:

University Academy Long Sutton aims to provide a broad general education to produce well adjusted, balanced individuals who work hard and respect themselves and those around them.

We will encourage all pupils to make the best of their ability and strive for the highest possible standards. The Academy celebrates achievement and gives pupils a sense of pride in themselves and their community. We hope we can develop a love of both learning and pleasure in our pupils. 

These aims will be met by:

  • Promoting an ethos of mutual respect underpinned by an understanding of the benefits of hard work.
  • Providing support structures that enable pupils to achieve and feel safe.
  • Sharing our pupils' successes with all the Academy and the wider community.
  • Making full use of technology to support teaching and learning to engage pupils more effectively and provide opportunities for vocational learning.
  • Applying a consistent and transparent systems of rewards and sanctions.
  • Providing pupils with opportunities to reflect on their own experiences of the Academy and share ownership and responsibility for its future through the development of an effective School Council.
  • Using the Academy's status to enrich the curriculum through effective partnerships with the University of Lincoln, local businesses, further education, colleges and our family of schools.
  • Develop all pupils' social, moral and cultural awareness.

Our values:

Maximising the potential of every child and young person
Providing a safe and secure environment for learning and teaching
Promoting well-being: physical, emotional and mental
Caring for the environment in which we learn and live
Supporting parents and carers to participate in their children’s learning
Nurturing and developing excellent staff to help us achieve our mission
Fostering a positive learning culture that is aspirational, ambitious and innovative
Working in partnership to achieve our goals
Upholding exemplary behaviour that is respectful and caring
Making education enjoyable and celebrating every young person’s achievements.
