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Prospectus FAQ

Prospectus FAQ

 Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of answers to your questions can be found on the Academy website www.uals.org.uk within the Primary Transition section.

What are the timings of the Academy day?

Period 1

 8:50am – 9:50am

 Period 2

 9:50am - 10:50am


 10:50am - 11:15am

 Period 3

 11:15am - 12:15pm

 Period 4

 12:15pm - 1:15pm


 1:15pm - 1:55pm


 1:55pm - 2:20pm

 Period 5

 2:20pm – 3:20pm

What is the expected Academy uniform and where can I purchase this?

 The uniform is displayed on the Academy website together with the order form. Our supplier is Rob Horspool Design and Embroidery.                                      Website: www.designandembroidery.co.uk Telephone: 01945 871511

The uniform consists of:

  • Black blazer
  • Black jumper (optional)
  • Black trousers (and/or black knee length skirt for girls)
  • Academy tie
  • White long or short sleeved blouses/shirts

 The PE KIT consists of:

  • Polo shirt
  • Shorts or girls skorts
  • ¼ zip top
  • Track bottoms or girls fitness pants
  • Black sports socks

Polo shirts, shorts/skorts and ¼ zip tops can be personalised, please refer to the supplier’s website.

 The uniform expectations can be found at https://uals.org.uk/Parents/Uniform

How will my child get to the Academy?

If you live in Lincolnshire you will need to apply for your transport, you can use the following link: you can do this any time after you have received the offer of your place.


If you live in Cambridgeshire, you may not be eligible for transport so you will be responsible for your child attending the Academy.

We organise two buses from the Wisbech and surrounding areas, places are available on a first come first served basis along with a £65 deposit. The application forms will be emailed to parent/carers living in the relevant areas, they will also be available on the Academy website to download and return, or a paper copy can be completed at our main reception.

If your child is not eligible for free school transport, you must ensure that they get to school safely.

My child receives free school meals; do I have to apply again?

No, the Academy will be informed of pupils entitled to free school meals.

How do I find out if my child is entitled to free school meals?

Further information can be found on the below website


Does my child need a packed lunch or can they buy food from the Academy?

Yes, a variety of food can be purchased from the Dining Hall at morning and lunch breaks. We use a cashless biometric system which identifies a pupil by their thumbprint. Pupils have an account linked to Pay360 (see below) which enables them to purchase their food amongst other things.

What is Pay360?

Pay360 is an online marketplace, which enables our Academy to sell and collect payment for items such as school meals, trips, events, and other school activities, in a safe and secure way. Pay360 supports the drive for our Academy to improve efficiency by reducing costs and streamlining payment collection administration.

For parents/carers Pay360 offers the flexibility to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, safe in the knowledge that Pay360 uses the highest level of card security.

You will be sent an invitation to create a Pay360 account for yourself. For more information, please go to: https://uals.org.uk/SIMS-Pay-Info-Instructions/

How can I keep up to date with my child’s school life?

We have a convenient way to share information with you about your child’s school life.   

You can access the system from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere.

You will you find in the SIMS Parent app:

  • Important information such as attendance, behaviour, achievement and homework
  • School term dates and contact details available at the click of a button
  • Receive notifications to remind you about important information such as key dates for your diary  
  • Access to update your contact details, so we always have the most up-to-date information in case of emergency
  • If you have more than one child at the Academy, you’ll have access to information for all your children, from the same app.

We will send you an activation email. For more information, please go to: https://uals.org.uk/Parents/SIMS-Parent/

Does the Academy have storage areas for pupils?

Yes, the Academy has lockers that pupils can be provided with. In most circumstances, pupils will need to share with a friend or sibling. Lockers will be allocated at the start of the new academic year for which there will be a one off fee for the year. This fee is shared between the pupils allocated to the locker. Pupils will need to supply their own padlock (a small combination or key padlock will be sufficient).

What stationery will my child need for their first day at the Academy?

Pupils are expected to provided their own basic equipment i.e. pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, mathematical equipment such as compass, protractor and calculator.

Pupil Essential Packs can be bought from the Academy; order forms will be within the admissions pack. (please note, at present, payment for these cannot be made via Pay360).
