Year 7 Catch-up Premium
Allocations for the financial year 2019 to 2020
In 2019 to 2020 schools received Year 7 catch-up premium funding at the same rate as the previous year, 2018 to 2019, simply adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the size of their year 7 cohort, based on the January 2019 census. For the academic year 2019 – 2020 UALS received £24 999
How do we use the funding at University Academy Long Sutton (UALS)?
Small group Core Support Literacy lessons ½ TA Salary £10 223.14
Small group Core Support Numeracy lessons ½ TA Salary £10 223.14
Specifically trained Teaching Assistants, delivering small group Literacy and Numeracy sessions
Purchase of ‘Accelerated Reader’, ‘Read/Write Inc’ and ‘Maths Whizz’ resources £3453.60 + £372.45 + £4063.50 = £7889.55
Purchase of age specific texts to resource the Library £2041.07
Purchase of age specific resources to facilitate tutor time reading £924
Total spend: £30 300.90
Intervention Plan for University Academy Long Sutton 2019-20
The key focus for the intervention plan for 2019-20 at University Academy Long Sutton will be the introduction of better resourced Library, leading to the introduction of tutor time reading of a class text. Research from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) indicates that reading comprehension approaches deliver an additional six months’ progress – this is considered a high impact strategy
In addition to their normal Maths and English lessons. We have allocated specialist staff to teach Core Support sessions and pupils will be taught in smaller groups so that they can receive individual support and attention.
Initial assessments will indicate individual learning targets for each pupil and we aim to use some Year 6 English resources to focus on the key skills that pupils did not manage to master by the end of KS2. Pupils will then be taught and supported to become more confident in their English skills throughout year 7, or until the point where we feel they are now at the expected national standard. Regular assessment and testing will take place so that we can track and monitor progress. We will follow the same structure in our Numeracy support.
In the main we will use the ‘Read/Write Inc’ resources to support Literacy, and ‘MathsWhizz’ to support Numeracy.
We have allocated some of the funding to ensure that specialist English and Maths staff facilitate the Core Support Numeracy and Literacy lessons. Furthermore, the staff allocated to these lessons have also been supported to develop their understanding of KS2 requirements.
This year’s budget will also be used to purchase resources, textbooks and study guides that pupils can use at home to extend their learning and deepen their understanding in both Literacy and Numeracy. Parents will be engaged in order that they are able to support their child working at home.